يعلن مستودع ادوية ابو شيخة عن حاجته الى موظفين-مرحب بحديثي التخرج


AbuSheikh Drug Store is seeking to recruit employee for the following vacancy :

(Medical Representative)

Required skills and Qualifications:

1- BA degree in any related field .
2- (0-2) years’ experience.
3- Excellent sales and marketing skills
4- Presentable and persuasive character
5- Self-confident and able to work under pressure.
6- Very good in English.

Only qualified candidates who meet the above requirements are invited to send their CV’s to the following address:

(email) asds.hr@abusheikha.com

Applications will be treated as confidential.


لسرعة الوصول للوظائف سارع بالانضمام إلى قناة

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لسرعة الوصول للوظائف سارع بالانضمام إلى قناة

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